NRA endorsements for key Oklahoma Senate races in Republican primary – Daniels, Dahm, Loveless

NRA Endorsements state by stateHighlighting some of the most important senate races across the state here in this post but you can see all the endorsements from the NRA here >>>.

Oklahoma State Senate District 29 – Julie Daniels (Aq)

Oklahoma State Senate District 33 – Nathan Dahm (A+)

Oklahoma State Senate District 45 – Kyle Loveless (A+)


NRA endorsement for Julie Daniels SD29

NRA endorsement for Nathan Dahm SD33

NRA endorsment for Kyle Loveless SD45

The NRA rarely goes against an incumbent with a good rating because they have an actual track record of voting rather than simply answers on a questionnaire. (Aq = rating on questionnaire / A+ includes voting records, ? = failure to respond) so when voting records are available that is factored into the endorsement rating.

Finding Gems & Sharing Them – NRA endorsements for key Oklahoma Senate races

OKGOP Moves Back to Phone Booth for Meetings

FGST - Finding Gems & Sharing Them
Several years ago when I moved to Oklahoma (2005), I continued my political registration as Republican. I even worked very hard to network and build the party with grassroots efforts supporting conservative, constitutional, pro-life, liberty loving folks. Silly me, I thought we were saying the same things. Long story short, many of us worked hard to build the party around issues and candidates espousing those issues.

In 2008 we grew, and in 2012 many actually believe we had a winning number, but were cheated out of the convention. In 2015 we elected one of us as chair of the party, Randy Brogdon. He was in the process of restoring the financial footing of a floundering party and in the process of moving forward when some in the GOP made his personal life miserable to the point that he resigned for the sake of his family. We witnessed the politics of destruction. I believe that is when the Republican party in Oklahoma actually died. It took another year or so for the mask to actually come off.

We can disagree and have debates; then we count votes to determine who wins and who loses. However, when we destroy our own members, the body will eventually die. When we shut out people we disagree with and refuse to have the conversations to discuss the differences, when we only post favorable comments on social media in party groups, when we refuse to live by our own rules and give a pass and $$$ to elected officials who violate our own platform, the end is near.

I would note that attendance continues to decline even though it is a presidential year. Then when discussion moved to issues this weekend, the mask really came off notably on right to bear arms and pro-life facade for party. Many will be moving to Independent status or other parties. Most will stop giving funds to the GOP and giving directly to more trustworthy candidates and grassroots efforts.

I will be writing more on the topic of political parties and why our founding fathers did not recommend them (hopefully soon).  In the meantime here is a post I did on topic recently —  As Political Alignments Shift.  And further back, I suggested that maybe we should get back to this — Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly.  The fault does not lie with only one side.  It is about how we treat one another as we go.

See OKGOP Quick Wrap Up via Sooner – Editorial for David Van Risseghem’s thoughts on convention.
To which I added my comment here: My headline would be OKGOP moves back to the phone booth for meetings. I would note that attendance continues to decline even though it is a presidential year. Then when discussion moved to issues, the mask really comes off notably on right to bear arms and pro-life facade for party. Many will be moving to Independent status or other parties. Most will stop giving funds to the GOP and giving directly to more trustworthy candidates and grassroots efforts. In fact I think I’ll go write an article on topic now… (see article above)

Duane Crumbacher for Senate District 48 near Midwest City Oklahoma – Get Involved and Make a Difference!

Sometimes you meet people and you know immediately that they are special. Duane is one of those people. At any event, he is the one making sure everything is taken care of and doing whatever is needed to make it all work. I know how he loves and cares for his family by the way he talks about them and by the way he orders his life priorities – at least from my distant perspective. We visited briefly recently about his race and I wanted to do a post for my friends to let them know about his campaign and hopefully so that each of you will figure out some way to help put this wonderful gentleman in office.

He was unopposed in the primary and now faces opposition in the general election. District 48 is in central Oklahoma near Midwest City.  Please consider what you might do to help if you live anywhere near the area.  Please consider a donation in any case. His website is  His pushcards are below and offer great insight into the issues and his commonsense approach to life and liberty.  Get involved and help make a difference because many hands make light work!

Crumbacher SD48 PushcardaCrumbacher Pushcardb

Posted by Sandra Crosnoe for Finding Gems & Sharing Them

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Randy Barnett — the Taxpayer’s Best Friend in HD10 — Patriot * Veteran * Man of Faith

Document-Randy Barnett - State Representative for HD10 Tue Jun 24 2014 Randy Barnett

Document-Randy Barnett - State Representative for HD10 p2 Tue Jun 24 2014

Randy Barnett is ready to go to work for you the taxpayer, protecting, preserving, and defending your rights. He knows the constitution and has always stood for you as a veteran and in the private sector too.

I wish I lived in his district and could actually cast a vote for him. The next best thing I can do is make sure all my friends know about him and remember to vote for him on Tuesday, June 24th.

HD10 covers parts of Washington County and Osage County and all of Nowata County.  There is a map of the district on his website.

Here is a vote reminder message from Randy Barnett himself.  I call him the taxpayer’s best friend in HD10.

Online Voter Tool to confirm your registration, find your polling place, track your absentee ballot, or view a sample ballot

Randy Barnett HD10 Website

Campaign Newsletter SignUp


Posted by Sandra Crosnoe for Finding Gems & Sharing Them


Related post on Smart Meters and the Dunlap family:

The Conservative Champion in Oklahoma for US Senate is Randy Brogdon

Primary Elections Tweet


a recent tweet from a post on facebook below:

Primary Elections are about electing the best person for the office. In the general you can pick the lesser of two bad choices if you don’t get someone who walks the talk through the primary options… Happy campaigning out there! Don’t forget to have fun and make friends while you are on the campaign trail. ‪#‎R3s‬ ‪#‎4life‬ ‪#‎4liberty‬

So everyone is a conservative now.  And oddly enough everyone is for liberty now.  Hmmmm.  Who are the real champions?  They are the ones who were there before it was cool.  Leading the way.  Standing on principle.

Randy Brogdon’s record:

Brogdon - Randys Record

Summary of Senator Brogdon’s recent record (text version):

Oklahoma State Senator 2002-2010

State Legislator of the Year- The Oklahoma Constitution Newsapaper

100% Conservative Voter Index- First Senator in 20 Years

Oklahoma Eagle Award – Phyllis Schlafly

Author Tabor- Taxpayer Bill of Rights

Author Ballot Access Legislation

Author Term Limits Legislation

Author (SB1) Taxpayer Transparency Act – Allowed Oklahomans to see State Spending

Defeated Real ID – Protected Oklahomans from Federal Biometric Snooping

Defeated NAFTA Superhighway -Protecting the Property of Oklahomans from Confiscation

Note:  The legislation above was achieved under a Democrat Governor

Received the overwhelming endorsement for Oklahoma Conservative PAC 2014

Brogdon campaign top priority items:

Brogdon - Stop the Debt Repeal Obamacare Stop NSA Spying

Twitter RandyBrogdon
Facebook Page for Randy Brogdon

For more signs and banners and memes (available to download and print and share):


Posted by Sandra Crosnoe for Finding Gems & Sharing Them