OK2A – Events in OKC and Lawton Areas coming soon…

OK2A Meeting in OKC March 19th

The Oklahoma Second Amendment Association will meet at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, March 19 in OKC at H&H Shooting Sports, 400 S. Vermont Ave, Ste. 110, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73108. (I-40 & Meridian)

Don Spencer, President of OK2A, will be hosting this meeting.
Don will be giving an update on the current status of bills in the Oklahoma State legislature. There’s a lot going on regarding gun bills at the Capitol, so make plans to attend.


OK2A Meeting in Lawton March 18th

The Oklahoma Second Amendment Association will be meeting on Monday, March 18 at 6:00 pm at Billy Sims BBQ, 4404 NW Cache Rd., Lawton, OK. 

Join fellow 2A supporters along with OK2A Lawton coordinator, Larry Cotton, for an evening of information and discussion regarding your 2nd Amendment rights and liberties.

38 bills have been introduced into the Oklahoma legislature at the request of OK2A. Support these bills to help them become law, also.

Lawton meetings are on the 3rd Monday of each month at Billy Sims BBQ. Non-members are welcome to attend. Come early and grab a bite to eat and meet / visit with like-minded 2A supporters.

Constitutional Carry is LAW in the Great State of Oklahoma, effective November 1, 2019!

For more info via OK2A >>>

Finding Gems & Sharing Them – OK2A – Events in OKC and Lawton Areas

Senator Nathan Dahm speaks out on huge tax increase passed — 3/4 of a $$$Billion

Senate “Republicans” just passed the largest tax increase in state history…

That’s right. Three-quarters of a BILLION dollars in new taxes! To the sound of applause, my Senate colleagues raised your taxes.

I had to speak up. 

Watch: ​

In Oklahoma, I won’t be silent while establishment Republicans and liberal Democrats take money out of your pocket. And in Congress, I can guarantee it won’t be any different. 

If you’re like me and you’ve had enough of the tax and spend RINOs, then SHARE our video and consider joining our team of grassroots conservatives.

Thank you and God Bless.

For the People
Nathan Dahm

It’s Official! Senator Nathan Dahm is running for US Congress – District 1 in Oklahoma

Nathan Dahm Announces Run for Congress
May 5, 2017
Broken Arrow— Senator Nathan Dahm (R-Broken Arrow) today announced his candidacy for Oklahoma’s First Congressional District. Surrounded by over 100 supporters, Dahm said he has a passion to serve God by serving other people, and believes running for Congress is his next step in that service.
“Over the past few years, we’ve gone on many journeys together, and today, I’m asking you to join me on a new journey,” said Dahm. “I have fought tirelessly to defend our Constitutional rights and worked to implement long term vision to make our state better for the upcoming generations.”
Oklahoma’s First Congressional District will be vacated by current Congressman Jim Bridenstine in 2018. If elected to Congress, Dahm said he wants to focus on free market principles as well as openness, transparency, and accountability in government, which allow the opportunity for success.
“When government is limited, we thrive,” added Dahm. “I will do all I can to limit government, and require it to be more efficient, less wasteful, and less intrusive in people’s lives and in their wallets. I will continually fight to uphold the oath I have sworn to defend the Constitution, to protect our God-given rights, and to restore the balance of powers between the states and the federal government for limited government operating under the principles of our Republic. I look forward to serving the people of this district as a guardian to protect their rights from all those who would infringe on our rights.”
Dahm was elected to the Oklahoma State Senate in 2012 and makes his home in Broken Arrow.
Learn more about Nathan Dahm by visiting www.NathanDahm.com.
Press Release here: 050517__Nathan Dahm Announces Run for Congress (pdf downloadable)
[Editor’s Note:  It is a thrill to know that Nathan Dahm will run for this open Congressional seat in 2018!  The first time he ran for the seat in 2010, he was not very well known in the district.  That will not be the case this time, being known as the guy who beat Piers Morgan on his own show!  He is the only announced candidate to my knowledge with an in office voting record and Nathan Dahm’s voting record is sterling.  He is one of the top ranked conservatives by multiple sources for multiple years.  More than that he is loved by the people he represents because he works to protect and defend their rights.  We need to keep this congressional district in good hands.  Go Nathan!  Our prayers are with you Nathan – may His blessings continue to be upon you!/sc]

The Jews In The Attic Test by Joe Huffman (2009)

anne frank writing 1942

The Jews In The Attic Test

To the best of my knowledge I [Joe Huffman] am the originator of this test and the name I use to describe it.  It first came about in 1999 while I was working with Cease Fear (Cease Fear predates The Pink Pistols by about a year although the Pink Pistols is far more successful).  We were putting hand-outs in the shops in the Capital Hill area of Seattle for NRA Refuse to Be A Victim and Home Firearm Safety classes.  The Capital Hill area is well known LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, and Trans-sexual) community in the Seattle area.  Our goal was to teach people of the LGBT community how to defend themselves against people who would attack them (gay-bashings).

Several of the others and I in Cease Fear were certified NRA firearms instructors and were willing to donate our time to help make their lives safer.  One of the discussions we had amongst ourselves as we walked from shop to shop was how to explain to others how important our right to keep and bear arms was to our freedom.  People tend to understand the importance of freedom of speech and the freedom of the press pretty well and some of the other rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.  But the Second Amendment was and is viewed as unimportant and perhaps even counterproductive by many in today’s society.

I explained to the others in my little band of activists that I looked at all laws that restricted freedom with a view to the impact it would have in a worst case scenario of our government run amok.  Will this law make it difficult or impossible to protect innocent life from a government intent on their imprisonment or death?  Although I pretty much made everything up on the spot I told them I called this test my “Jews In The Attic Test”.

Furthermore I told them that if it fails this test no further discussion is really needed, the law must be opposed in the most vigorous manner possible.

Some laws that fail the test and why:

bullet Government mandated ID cards and the authority to demand them at any time.  The oppressed class will be unable to masquerade as a member of the neutral or oppressor classes.
bullet Searches without probable cause.  Imagine you are attempting to smuggle your “Jews in the attic” to a safer hiding place.  If the police at the roadblock can search all vehicles then you and your precious cargo are headed to the “work camps”.
bullet Government monopoly on medical care.  This is a bit surprising — isn’t it?  If it is illegal for you to pay someone for anonymous health care then how can your “Jews in the attic” receive health care?
bullet Firearm or firearm owner registration.   The registration information can be used to confiscate the firearms used to protect innocent life — as it was under the 1938 Weapons Control Act in Nazi Germany.
bullet Elimination or severe restriction of anonymous financial transactions.  The purchase of food and other supplies for your “Jews in the attic” would show up in the records as being excessive compared to what your needs were.  Just as power consumption records are used today to catch home marijuana growers.

I continue to use this test to this day and advocate its widespread use by others.

horizontal rule

Last update: February 11, 2009 
Email: Joe Huffman

Cell phone: 208-301-4254

Website: http://joehuffman.org

h/t Kaye Beach for the find – Joe Huffman’s post is re-shared with permission and I would note that Joe’s website is a treasure trove.  He lives in Washington state and is often in Idaho./sc

Photo credit: Anne Frank’s family went into hiding in an attic above her father’s office in an Amsterdam warehouse (1942) http://isca-org.com/july-in-jewish-history/

Finding Gems & Sharing Them – The Jews in the Attic Test (Reprinted with Permission)


Hang on to those AR-15s because…

Hold on to your AR15sHold on to your AR-15s.

 Their magic must be very powerful, or they wouldn’t want them.

Photo credit: unknown – from a friend of a friend on facebook

Finding Gems & Sharing Them – Hang on to those AR-15s because…