
Sandra Crosnoe - Finding Gems & Sharing Them

Send an email to sandiec99’at’hotmail’dot’com with a meaningful subject line for best results. Please understand that I cannot answer every email, but make an attempt to scan for the personal items and give them priority.

You are invited to follow me on twitter. I am @scrosnoe there. I try to follow back the people I recognize right away.  Update 10/11/22:  I am no longer active on twitter.  Although I still have automated accounts there, I am not watching for personal interactions.  I am still on facebook but not nearly as active there as I once was.  If I engage on a new social network, I’ll try to update again.

I appreciate all your efforts on behalf of liberty and will help all that I can!


14 Responses to “Contact”

  1. Shirley Crosnoe Reay-Nelson Says:

    Looking for Sandra Crosnoe (maiden name) born in TX ’51 to ’52
    Thank you, Shirley Ann Crosnoe Reay-Nelson

  2. Sandra Crosnoe Says:


    I’ve sent you an email and you have found me!


  3. David Whittenbarger Says:

    1st Amendment says: Congress shall make no law regarding religion. Some of the Obama bailout is requiring that monies sent to educational facilities like Universities cannot be used for building where religious activities occur.

    If the Bill passes and there is any language regarding religion, it is un-Constitutional!

  4. Cynthia Metcalfe Says:

    I am trying to find out if there is a tea party event in KY, or even TN or IN. Can anyone tell me?

  5. Sandra Crosnoe Says:


    You can check in on our state ning sites like this

    I know there is a teaparty in Tennessee in Nashville:

    NASHVILLE Tea Party

    There are also some facebook sites listed here (a growing list):

    Hope that helps and you can link up in a city near where you live!


    if you get on twitter follow me @scrosnoe and we’ll stay in touch!

  6. Cindy Zapotocky Says:

    Sandie: I just don’t know how anything short of marching on Washington D.C. is going to get Congressional Democrat’s attention. Did you see Rep. Michele Bachman’s You Tube speech today….very precise and well done. How can we get these liberals out of office BEFORE 2010 elections…I fear it will be too late if we wait for then?! I pray the LORD will show us the cracks in their fortress walls…something simple that only He can see that will cause the whole thing to topple. Call it “The Jericho Strategy.” March around the U.S. Capitol seven times??
    Blessings to you, Cindy Zapotocky, Chairman, Spokane County Republican Party Spokane, WA
    Psalm 91

  7. Darrell Phipps Says:

    Sandie! Just wanted to tell you I really like your website! Lots of Inspirational, funny, and important things! The video of the cat dunking its’ head in the water was… odd! When I had my cat, Panger Ban, he would tolerate a bath because I had done it since he was a kitten in my hand, but he never did like getting wet– that cat seemed to enjoy it!
    “God & Dog” was cute, too. And the Liberty sites and info is always good, and I’ve seen a lot of them elsewhere (which is good).
    You’re doing great! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Stephanie Risner (Crosnoe) Says:

    I’m sorry for disturbing you. But My maiden name was Crosnoe, My dad was from Mt Vernon IL. His dad was Earl Crosnoe and his mom was Loretta Crosnoe. I was wondering if we could have been related. I am also a Christian who loves the Lord.
    Thank you for at least reading this. Gods blessings to you

    Stephanie Risner (Crosnoe)

    • Sandra Crosnoe Says:


      I really don’t know, but I find that if we spell it alike, we are usually connected somehow, which is the great thing about having a rather uncommon name. There is a lady who has done a lot of genealogy work named Mary Crossnoe and I will post her site here for reference.

      Glad we share the Lord and hope we get to meet some day!


  9. Washington County Oklahoma Republican Meetings Upcoming | Grassroots in Oklahoma Says:

    […] If you have resolutions to present, please bring enough copies to share with the group or at the very least enough for your precinct.  We may post a packet of resolutions via OKGrassroots as we have in years past.  If you have one to submit for consideration, please share it as a comment below or send it to Sandra Crosnoe via email. […]

  10. dōTERRA Essential Oils for Healthy Living and Cooking — Summer Sensations Blender Salsa Says:

    […] Be sure to reference me, Sandra Crosnoe, when you sign up  and let me know via email or contact form if you have any questions! I love to share about all the wonderful ways these oils have improved the quality of my life.  Let’s compare notes and share stories>>> […]

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