OK2A March Meeting with Senator Nathan Dahm on March 22 at Heartland Church in Tulsa

This just in via email from Wayne Hill:

 Here is the notice for our March meeting this Thursday evening (March 22) at 6:30.  Our quest speakers will be State Senator Nathan Dahm who is a US Congressional Candidate for the 1st District.  Senator Dahm is a strong supporter of Liberty and the 2nd Amendment.  He is the author and sponsor of many of our bills.  Please come and show your support for our friend Senator Natham Dahm.  We will also have a legislative update.

Please invite your friends and relatives.

In Liberty,

Hang on to those AR-15s because…

Hold on to your AR15sHold on to your AR-15s.

 Their magic must be very powerful, or they wouldn’t want them.

Photo credit: unknown – from a friend of a friend on facebook

Finding Gems & Sharing Them – Hang on to those AR-15s because…

Randy Brogdon Leads the Pack of Conservatives for US Senate Race in Oklahoma

As a matter of fact you might say he is the only conservative in the race for US Senate in Oklahoma.

Several weeks ago, grassroots leaders got together in Oklahoma to tell you why we are not supporting TW Shannon for US Senate. This occurred in response to some ‘national teaparty’ leaders who made a swing through the state telling us he was our man. Our letter letting them know about the error of their ways is entitled why Oklahoma Grassroots Leaders and Activists Do Not Support TW Shannon and it is here >>>

Then there are those telling us why James Lankford deserves a promotion including via his own TV ads touting his ‘conservatism’; that is until you look at his voting record which is in and of itself rather dismal. I shared with you his bad votes recently on FGST here >>>

So now it seems only fitting to let you know that there is a real conservative leader on the ballot in the primary. The media is trying to ignore him and even excluding him from some events (so what else is new right?!), but the people know that he has been there for us on so many fronts in so many battles over recent years. He’s the kind of man who is there at crunch time for you and not all focused on taking credit for all the hard work of so many people in the matter when the job is done! However you know that he was there early on and when it mattered – like for instance with the repeal of Common Core recently. Now that is a leader and one that we will not have to lobby all the time to get to do the right thing!

Document-Randy Brogdon for US Senate - 3 key issues Mon Jun 09 2014 Randy Brogdon

Stop the Debt

Repeal Obamacare

Stop NSA Spying

Document-Randy Brogdon for US Senate - Bio Mon Jun 09 2014 Randy Brogdon

Randy Brogdon’s brief bio and principles

Randy Brogdon.com



Document-Randy Brogdon for US Senate  Mon Jun 09 2014 Randy Brogdon

“Be leery of politicians that will promise you the world.  My Campaign Promise:  I will tell you the truth.  

And I will do everything in my constitutional authority to protect your freedom”

Document-Randy Brogdon for US Senate p2 Mon Jun 09 2014 Randy Brogdon

Comparison piece with startling differences between the top three candidates.  

Randy Brogdon 93%  others both in the 70 % range – barely passing!

But then of course I must also point out the differences in support for higher spending.  Lankford voted 3 times to raise the debt ceiling.  That does it for me – how about you?  Real ID anyone?  Support for Mitch McConnell?

Looks to me like the choice is clear – Randy Brogdon for US Senate.  I believe he can take it without a run-off  if only people look at the record and the money trail.  Will you help me tell the story and get out the word in your precinct?  Primary elections are about voting for the best candidate.  Run-offs will be held if necessary.  This one is a no brainer as far as I am concerned!

Here is my flyer of my favorites candidates in my area >>>

Posted by Sandra Crosnoe for Finding Gems & Sharing Them

Permalink: https://scrosnoe.wordpress.com/2014/06/09/randy-brogdon-leads-the-pack-of-conservatives-for-us-senate-race-in-oklahoma/


My Favorite Candidates for Republican Primary 2014 – Washington County Flyer

Washington County Grassroots Sample Flyer

This is a flyer I am giving to friends. It is not endorsed by any candidate so if you like it and can make some version of it work in your area, please feel free to do so.  Some candidates do not like to have their campaigns linked and I understand that, but I am only going to hand out so many flyers and to so many people, so mine are going to have my favorites of course!  Make your own version, walk the talk, make friends, and have fun along the way…

The flyer is also available on scribd for easy printing and downloading and sharing (pdf version available there).

Download * Print * Share * Adapt for your area

To plug in with the various campaigns:

Randy Barnett for HD10

Randy Brogdon for US Senator

Dax Ewbank for Governor of Oklahoma 

Posted by Sandra Crosnoe for Finding Gems & Sharing Them

Sample Ballot for Washington County Republican Primary Election 2014 set for June 24th

Sample Ballot for District 10 June 24th

And now the question is – Do You Know these People?

Washington County is partly in House District 10 and partly in District 11.  This particular ballot is for District 11.  If you are in District 10 you need to be aware of the open seat being vacated by Steve Martin for which Randy Barnett is running.

To plug in with my favorite campaigns:

Randy Barnett for HD10

Randy Brogdon for US Senator

Dax Ewbank for Governor of Oklahoma 

Now this is a flyer I am playing with and it is not endorsed by any candidate so if you like it and can make some version of it work in your area, please feel free to do so.  Candidates do not like to have their campaigns linked and I understand that, but I am only going to hand out so many flyers and to so many people, so mine are going to have my favorites OK?!  Make your own with your favorites, walk the talk, make friends, and having fun along the way….

Download * Print * Share * Adapt for your area

Posted by Sandra Crosnoe for Finding Gems & Sharing Them