CLC – Archives on Blog Talk Radio with links and summaries

Sandra Crosnoe - Finding Gems & Sharing Them

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Gets Grizzly

Archives on Blog Talk Radio


Shelli @stubborn_facts & Sandra @scrosnoe

Call us! 646-915-9997

Tuesday nights at 8PM EDT * 7PM CDT *6PM MDT * 5PM PDT

(listen live on Tuesday nights * call in * or listen in archives any time)

Dates of show are most recent on top:

(updated weekly for your convenience if you missed the live show – don’t forget we often go into archives and continue visiting with our special guests / the only way for you to hear that is to check the archives)


08/18/09 Review the Freedom 21 Conference that just took place in Oklahoma and some of the interviews that were conducted for the documentary film project mentioned last week – focus on RJ Harris and his race in Oklahoma CD04.  We continued to talk about the health care bill debate, including efforts both by elected officials and organized groups to divert the discussion by various means.

Michael Maresco’s update was postponed until next week due to a scheduling conflict this week.  He will return to give us more details about the journey and next steps for the Liberty Rider.

——> link for show here (Note: we continued visiting in the archives with our callin guest Ryan from SD)


08/11/09 Talking about the difference between democracy and republic and how much the United States has strayed from our founding principles – specially as related to government spending/taxation and the idea of “free” services.  Our guests Nathan, a college bound student who will be majoring in history with tentative plans to become a Constitutional attorney, and Linda Rohman, an attorney turned homeschool mother who has been working to limit spending in her local city government.  Brief update from Michael Maresco, our Liberty Rider, on his journey from Freedom to Fascism.  Next week, Michael will return to give us more details about the journey and next steps.  We continued talking about ways to get involved in archives after the live show completed.

Reminder about Freedom21 Conference in OKC area August 13-15

——> link for show here (Note: we continued visiting in the archives with all our guests)


08/04/09 a little about DC (Shelli’s monologue)

Special guest Amanda Teegarden (OK-safe) tells us about Freedom21 Conference in OKC area August 13-15

——> link for show here (Note: we continued visiting in the archives with Amanda and links discussed are below)

WH mentions Facts are Stubborn Things

I’m a Pepper Piece (actual title was  “I’m a Christian, They’re a Christian, Wouldn’t You Like to Be a Christian, Too?”}


07/28/09 The President’s boo-boo (Shelli’s monologue)

Special guest RJ Harris candidate for CD04 Congressional seat in Oklahoma (will be replacing bailout voter Tom Cole but will need your help to do so!)

——> link for show here (Note: we continued visiting with RJ in archives about the length of bills and just say NO!)


07/21/09 (grassroots coalitions – the next phase – WOW!)

Special Guests Bryan Thome (Texas), Chris Comeaus (Louisiana), and an update from Michael Maresco as nears Alcatraz!

—–> link for show here


07/16/09  (outstanding interview – don’t miss this one!)

SPECIAL EPISODE: Interview with Gun Owners of America Executive Director, Larry Pratt co-hosts Shelli Dawdy and Sandra Crosnoe will discuss the efforts of GOA to protect Americans’ Second Amendment and other rights.  Conversation will focus particularly Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor and what approving her to this lifetime seat on the Court would mean to our Second Amendment and other rights. The Constitutional Liberty Coalition is dedicated to supporting grassroots efforts that encourage personal responsibility, limited government , and free markets. Shelli Dawdy and Sandra Crosnoe are grassroots activists in their states of Nebraska, and Oklahoma, respectively, and network with other grassroots leaders in many states. The CLC Gets Grizzly can be heard regularly each week at 7pm central.

—–> link for show here



Status of the Sotomayor hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee and proposal to consider a Strikeday from Robert Drobot of San Jose

—–> link for show here



Teaparties and Cap and Trade Bill, 10th Amendment (Balloon release),  State Sovereignty then we hear more details about some of the Independence Day Tea Parties that occurred across the country:

1) Brian Campbell of Colorado on his way to the Young Republican meeting

2) Joan Fabiano (CLC) at state capitol in Lansing MI July 4 Tea Party (Success story keeping it grassroots!)

—–> Link for show here



cute commercial with Shelli’s husband at opening!  Cap and Trade Bill (how far off the reservation we’ve come or how to ‘sneak’ bad bills through Congress with the help of MSM / death of a pedophile covered over and above bad legislation)

—–> Link for show here



cute commercial opening with monologue on Why NOT a march on DC! (Shelli) – keep it local and in your state!

Featuring Kaye Beach – Grassroots Lobbying in Oklahoma

—–> Link for show here



$135 billion Treasury bond seizure on the Italian border and the lack of coverage (Shelli)

Liberty Rider Reaches Oklahoma and we get an update from Michael Maresco on his journey across the state. RJ Harris candidate for Congress in Oklahoma also updates everyone on his race

—–> Link for show here



Ducks and Websites – Teaparty Grassroots

—–> Link for show here


06/02/09 What is the Grassroots?

—–> Link for show here



Michael Maresco the Liberty Rider – update from Pennsylvania

Teaparty Grassroots update and Kaye Beach (@Axxiom) update on grassroots lobby efforts in Oklahoma

—–> Link for show here



Constitutional Liberty Coalition formation and goals – came basically out of our of need to protect the grassroots

Eric – Temerity Magazine

Michael Maresco – Liberty Rider

Joan Fabiano – Teaparty Grassroots

—–> Link for show here


originally published 07/21/09 republished weekly as updated


CLC gets grizzly tonight – Sotomayor hearings and Strikeday proposal

Sandra Crosnoe - Finding Gems & Sharing Them


Join Sandra Crosnoe and Shelli Dawdy on Blog Talk Radio this evening on The Constitutional Liberty Coalition Gets Grizzly as we discuss the status of the Sotomayor hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee and consider a Strikeday proposal from Robert Drobot of San Jose.

Also, we will get a brief update on the status of H.R. 2454, the “Cap & Trade” bill. When will the Senate vote on this now?

Have a Tea Party “tale” to share or thoughts on Sotomayor confirmation?

Call us! 646-915-9997

Tuesday nights at 8PM EDT * 7PM CDT *6PM MDT * 5PM PDT