Natural Law as a Restraint Against Tyranny

Video with Judge Andrew P. Napolitano recorded at the Mises Circle in Costa Mesa, California, 8 November 2014. This seminar examined the institutions of a stateless society and explored topics such as private defense, private police, privately produced money, the role of markets, and how stateless legal systems would work. This particular video in the series is about 22 minutes long and has over 47k viewers at time of posting.

Video shows Judge Napolitano at his best on natural rights. He stresses that you cannot take away natural rights with legislation even if you try because they do not come from government at all. He gives an interesting brief history lesson and then apples the concept to where we are today. He ends with a huge challenge to this generation and the next in a powerful prediction. Please take time to watch this. I promise you will be glad you did. Even if you already know these things, it will help you articulate the ideas to others and we all must do that!

Source post via Finding Gems & Sharing Them

Southern Avenger says Let ‘Freedom Watch’ Ring

dated August 19, 2010 – 5.33 mins and 6,591 views at time of posting

Judge Andrew Napolitano’s FOX Business program “Freedom Watch” is nothing short of revolutionary.  Southern Avenger says to let ‘Freedom Watch’ ring:

Denouncing libertarianism as not true conservatism is like saying The Rolling Stones somehow dethroned Elvis Presley. There’s no questioning that both acts sound very different-there’s also no questioning that both are rock n’ roll personified. The philosophies of libertarianism and conservatism are no doubt particular and distinct, as the loudest voices for each will eternally argue; but both brands have also been virtually inseparable in the history of American conservatism. Perhaps Ronald Reagan said it best in 1975: “I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism… The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is.”

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