It’s Official! Senator Nathan Dahm is running for US Congress – District 1 in Oklahoma

Nathan Dahm Announces Run for Congress
May 5, 2017
Broken Arrow— Senator Nathan Dahm (R-Broken Arrow) today announced his candidacy for Oklahoma’s First Congressional District. Surrounded by over 100 supporters, Dahm said he has a passion to serve God by serving other people, and believes running for Congress is his next step in that service.
“Over the past few years, we’ve gone on many journeys together, and today, I’m asking you to join me on a new journey,” said Dahm. “I have fought tirelessly to defend our Constitutional rights and worked to implement long term vision to make our state better for the upcoming generations.”
Oklahoma’s First Congressional District will be vacated by current Congressman Jim Bridenstine in 2018. If elected to Congress, Dahm said he wants to focus on free market principles as well as openness, transparency, and accountability in government, which allow the opportunity for success.
“When government is limited, we thrive,” added Dahm. “I will do all I can to limit government, and require it to be more efficient, less wasteful, and less intrusive in people’s lives and in their wallets. I will continually fight to uphold the oath I have sworn to defend the Constitution, to protect our God-given rights, and to restore the balance of powers between the states and the federal government for limited government operating under the principles of our Republic. I look forward to serving the people of this district as a guardian to protect their rights from all those who would infringe on our rights.”
Dahm was elected to the Oklahoma State Senate in 2012 and makes his home in Broken Arrow.
Learn more about Nathan Dahm by visiting
Press Release here: 050517__Nathan Dahm Announces Run for Congress (pdf downloadable)
[Editor’s Note:  It is a thrill to know that Nathan Dahm will run for this open Congressional seat in 2018!  The first time he ran for the seat in 2010, he was not very well known in the district.  That will not be the case this time, being known as the guy who beat Piers Morgan on his own show!  He is the only announced candidate to my knowledge with an in office voting record and Nathan Dahm’s voting record is sterling.  He is one of the top ranked conservatives by multiple sources for multiple years.  More than that he is loved by the people he represents because he works to protect and defend their rights.  We need to keep this congressional district in good hands.  Go Nathan!  Our prayers are with you Nathan – may His blessings continue to be upon you!/sc]