Golden Circle and the Question of Why is at the Core of the Apple

If you have ever pondered what makes some ideas reach the tipping point and why, there may be some clues for you in this video…

Video is 18:35 mins and has 451,682 views at time of posting

Uploaded by TEDtalks Director on May 4, 2010

Simon Sinek presents a simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers — and as a counterpoint Tivo, which (until a recent court victory that tripled its stock price) appeared to be struggling.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts.


Fibonacci Flower - Golden Mean (this is not a video link -- just a picture from a video!)

Hat/Tip to orenbus & TruckinMike on Ron Paul Forums for the video lead with this comment #16 on thread:
Oh I have a video for you, you may have already seen it that explains some of this behavior regarding the Law of Diffusion of Innovations:
2 1/2% = innovators
13 1/2 % = early adopters
34% = early majority
34% = late majority
16% = laggards
Example begins at the 11:00 minute mark:
Posted by Sandra Crosnoe for Finding Gems & Sharing Them

Take the Test Yourself: BUSH or OBAMA? Can 8-28 DC rally-goers match spending facts with the right president?

The BA team breezed through the big 8-28 rallies in Washington, DC to test the government spending IQ of participants. Below are the questions asked in the video and the answers (with sources). But don’t spoil the fun: first watch the video and test yourself.

(1) Q: Bush or Obama? This president spent a record-breaking $3 trillion in a single year.
A: Both. In 2008, Bush was the first president to spend $3 trillion in a single year. According to White House estimates, Obama will spend $3.6 trillion in 2010 and $3.8 trillion in 2011.

(2) Q: Bush or Obama? This president bailed out hundreds of large banks and corporations.
A: Both. Obama carried out Bush’s unpopular $700 billion bailout for failing corporations. Together, the presidents have bailed out over 600 businesses since Spring 2008. Source:…

(3) Q: Bush or Obama? This president spent billions of taxpayer dollars on “stimulus” spending during a recession.
A: Both. In 2008, Bush spent over $100 billion on rebates to stimulate consumer spending – his second attempt at using spending as stimulus. In 2009, Obama enacted a $814 billion stimulus package. Sources:……

(4) Q: Bush or Obama? This President increased spending by many times the rate of inflation across most non-defense categories.
A: Both. Contrary to popular belief, defense and homeland security spending only made up about 40 percent of Bush’s new spending.  He increased spending across most non-defense categories (such as education, Medicare, income security) by four to six times the rate of inflation. In Obama’s first half year in office, many of these budgets rose another 70 percent. Source:…

(5) Q: Bush or Obama? This president passed an expensive healthcare bill.
A: Both. In 2003, George Bush signed into law Medicare Part D, which cost hundreds of billions of dollars. As you probably know, President Obama also enacted an expensive healthcare package earlier this year (though cost estimates vary considerably). Source:…