Leadership through Service – attend your precinct meeting on or about January 27th

Sandra Crosnoe - Finding Gems & Sharing Them

This information is specifically for Oklahoma friends and neighbors who are Republicans:

Just a quick note to prepare now for your precinct meetings in Oklahoma. They will most likely be on January 27th some where near where you live. Call your GOP county chair to find out the exact time and location of the meeting and volunteer to serve on a committee when you call. If you don’t know who your county chairman is, shame on you, you should and all the more reason to call and introduce yourself. You must be registered as a Republican to participate in the precinct meetings – duh?!? I love this rule, seems like Republicans should make the rules for the Republican party don’t you think!

There is a flier with some suggestions and some additional information posted on R3publicans website. If you have sample resolutions that you would like to share with others, send them to me and I’ll try to figure out a good way to post them for all to see and share. Be prepared to serve in a leadership role in your precinct, because all are needed to restore the republic! We must reenergize and reinvigorate our party and get back to our core beliefs of limited government and protecting the rights of all!

Be a servant leader in your community and for our party in 2009 and beyond!


Note:  I met the most wonderful lady at our meeting in OKC recently who is a Senator (D) opposing the Real ‘dangerous’ ID legislation.  If you are a Democrat, please consider linking up with Sen Constance Johnson and visiting about what needs to be done on the other side of the aisle.  I am told that their precinct meetings are sometime in March.  At the end of the day it is about people of principle doing the right thing and treating each other fairly isn’t it!?

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