Freedom21 – August 15th

Sandra Crosnoe - Finding Gems & Sharing Them

Freedom 21 – Saturday August 15th

Click the picture to visit the Freedom 21 Website

Day 3 of Freedom21

10:30 AM  Catherine Bleish – The Grassroots in Action: Achieving Quantifiable Results

11:15 AM Amanda Teegarden – Fusion Centers: Gathering and Sharing Intelligence

12:00 Noon Mark Mix – Right to Work Committee

1:30 PM Charles Key – The State Sovereignty Movement: Taking Back the Constitutional Power of the States

2:15 PM Dan Byfield – How Coordination is Protecting People Locally – the TTC Fight

3:00 PM Tom DeWeese – Globally-acceptable Truth and the Crime of Thinking

3:45 PM Closing Ceremonies


Freedom21 – August 15th

Sandra Crosnoe - Finding Gems & Sharing Them

Freedom 21 – Saturday August 15th

Click the picture to visit the Freedom 21 Website

Day 3 of Freedom21

10:30 AM  Catherine Bleish – The Grassroots in Action: Achieving Quantifiable Results

11:15 AM Amanda Teegarden – Fusion Centers: Gathering and Sharing Intelligence

12:00 Noon Mark Mix – Right to Work Committee

1:30 PM Charles Key – The State Sovereignty Movement: Taking Back the Constitutional Power of the States

2:15 PM Dan Byfield – How Coordination is Protecting People Locally – the TTC Fight

3:00 PM Tom DeWeese – Globally-acceptable Truth and the Crime of Thinking

3:45 PM Closing Ceremonies


Freedom21 – August 14th

Sandra Crosnoe - Finding Gems & Sharing Them

Freedom 21 – Friday August 14th

Click the picture to visit the Freedom 21 Website

Day 2 of Freedom21

Health Freedom Session

8:30 AM Central: Dr. Jeff Marrongelle – How the Feds are Stealing your Health Care Choices

9:00 AM Central: Scott Tips – Codex Alimentarius and Dr. Jane Orient – Caps, Quotas and Czars the plan to Wreck American Medicine

Break Out Sessions including:

10:30  AM Central: Mark Lerner – Fighting Real ID in the State Legislatures and Kaye Beach on activism at the capitol.

Attacks on the Freedom Movement and How to Fight Back Session

12:00PM: Marc Morano – Unraveling the Climate Change Hoax

Afternoon Sessions:

1:30PM: Chuck Baldwin – The Southern Poverty Law Center and MIAC
Patrick Wood – Dark Moon Rising: The Technotronic Era

2:30PM: Mark Lerner – International ID Federal Control of Drivers Licenses and Representative Sam Rohrer – Real ID and PASS ID

4:00PM: Larry Pratt – Real ID and Gun Control

4:30PM: Judith McGeary NAIS and HR 2749

5:00PM: Oklahoma State Senator Randy Brogdon – How to Restore America to Constitutional Principles

7:00PM: Bob Schulz – Continental Congress 2009

Editor’s note:  Special Thanks to Gary Franchi and Restore the Republic for his email reminder today and some of the information included here in this post!

Freedom21 – Agenda for August 13th

Sandra Crosnoe - Finding Gems & Sharing Them

Freedom 21 – Thursday August 13th

Click the picture to visit the Freedom 21 Website

Opening Ceremonies and Welcome

Tom DeWeese and Amanda Teegarden

1:15 pm – 2:00 pm — Session 1

Freedom21 Keynote Address

The Creature from Jekyll Island

G. Edward Griffin

The Federal Reserve represents the most blatant scam in history. It’s at the root of wars, inflation, boom-bust economic cycles, depressions and prosperity. The Fed is at the center of today’s economic meltdown. G. Edward Griffin is the foremost expert to help us understand what is happening and how to fight back.

2:00 pm – 2:45 pm — Session 2

Fiat Money
and the Sustainable Action Plan

Michael Shaw

Michael Shaw will demonstrate how the world fiat money system implements its program for total control and world government through its designed “Global to Local” Action Plan. When the nature of our money is understood and the fraud of global warming is recognized, it becomes easier to accept the reality that globalism, working under the code of Sustainable Development, is in your community. Recognition leads to solutions. “It is time to get focused and grow the circle,” says Michael!

2:45 pm – 3:30 pm — Session 3

Global Governance

Dr. Michael Coffman

Since before it was created, advocates of the United Nations have had a long-range goal of morphing the United Nations into a world government. The reality of this dream took a giant step forward in 1992 with the acceptance of the world community of Agenda 21 and the general acceptance of the United Nation’s sponsored publication of Our Global Neighborhood. Our Global Neighborhood outlines the broad plan to institute global governance, which in reality is world government. It is a radical plan to reorganize the world using treaties and agreements to allow the United Nations to tightly control national economies, standards of living, law, property rights, social norms. In other words, literally everything. The legal structure for global governance is in treaties like the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Kyoto Protocol (or its replacement), the Covenant on Development and Environment, the Rights of Women (and Children), the Law of the Sea, and many, many more. It is happening right before our eyes.

3:30 pm – 4:15 pm — Session 4

Censored History in the Classrooms

Allen Quist

The last few years have seen an abundance of archeological and historical research. This research has uncovered a wealth of exciting new information – much of which disproves the theory of man-made global warming. The new historical information includes ancient maps which demonstrate that the world – 1,000 years ago and also 2,000 years ago – was much warmer than it is today. The information uncovered also includes early written records, and archeological findings. There is no serious question about the accuracy of this information, but the media won’t print it because it contradicts global warming. The schools won’t teach it and the textbooks won’t include it for the same reason. This power-point presentation will include photographs of the ancient maps, word for word quotations from the discovered documents and detail of the archeological discoveries. If the people of America can be informed about this information, radical climate change legislation will be dead in its tracks.

4:15 pm – 5:15 pm — Session 5

President Obama and the
U.N. Agenda to Control
American Education

Michael Chapman

On March 31, 2009, President Obama’s new Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, congratulated the delegates to the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development for their “important work” and “shared interest” in Education with the new administration.

This presentation will show you evidence that America’s National Education Standards, National Curriculum, and National Assessments are in complete alignment with the Principles of “Sustainable Development,” and against the Principles of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. “While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat.” Our children are being trained to become tomorrow’s enemies of freedom.

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm — Reception

“Welcome to Oklahoma”

Entertainment by Jim Worthing

Back by popular demand, Jim Worthing will once again perform for us. He entertained at C-PAC 2008 and 2009 in Washington, DC. For ten years, he was the lead singer with the Cumberland Boys, featured at Opry Land, the Grand Ole Opry, and every other important country music venue.

Renew friendships, meet new friends, bid on auction items donated by people from around the country, and have a great time at this fun-filled event.

“Campaign Rally”

During the Reception, you will also hear from Oklahoma State Senator Randy Brogdon, who is running for Governor of Oklahoma, and from Rex Rammell, who is running for Governor of Idaho. You will not want to miss the ideas these candidates!


Freedom21 packed agenda all weekend!

For Freedom21Live